What You Must Know About Rejoining College After COVID 19?

What You Must Know About Rejoining College After COVID 19?

With things beginning to clear up after the Rajasthan Government’s decision of reopening colleges to students, there is no end to the kind of questions that may be popping up in the heads of students. The most asked question, though, is how life would change after colleges reopen once again. And now that colleges have reopened for students, they will slowly begin to realize what exactly is different.

As an educational institution in the state of Rajasthan, Sangam University also falls under the instructions of reopening classes and interactions with students. To help students feel comfortable as they begin a new chapter in college after one of the biggest global pandemics, here is a list of what they must know beforehand.

What To Know Before Rejoining College?

  • Social Distancing :
    As has been the norm of the world ever since the pandemic was identified and acknowledged, social distancing will continue to be one of the most important guidelines for safety. Students and staff will all be expected to follow social distancing under all circumstances. To avoid overcrowding, colleges have been advised to open at only 50% occupancy, which means that the other half of the campus will continue to study from home.
  • Adjusting :
    There is no doubt that adjusting to this kind of life and routine will take a considerable amount of time. There are so many things that will change for students, like coming to the campus, wearing protective masks, going through thorough sanitization, and so much more. In a time like this, it can only be expected that students will need to tick a lot of boxes before they can call themselves ready for college life again.
  • Interactions :
    Needless to say, interactions between students and teachers will be changed forever. This will not only be because of distancing that needs to be maintained. Collaborations and partnered learning between students may take a hit because of the guidelines. In fact, the interaction between teachers and students will change drastically as well.
  • Identifying Potential Cases and Reporting :
    It is important for students to remain proactive and aware of what is going around them. Colleges are host to people from varying backgrounds, which makes traceability difficult. However, if there is a chance that students feel unwell or know of someone displaying symptoms of an infection, it must be reported to the authorities immediately.
  • Hygiene :
    Hygiene has become quite important in everyone’s life in the past year. Continuing that routine even while in college will be great for everyone. You must expect to see sanitization centers all around the campus, while also get used to temperature checks and other methods of disinfection.
  • Students from all around have been waiting for colleges to reopen, and now that they are finally opening, there is a small contribution expected from everyone who is a part of the system. It is everyone’s responsibility to stop the transmission of the virus in communal places. As one of the top 10 engineering colleges in Rajasthan, Sangam University is ready to play their part for the good of the students. For more important information about the college’s safety protocols and guidelines, get in touch with the management today.