We as a country have come to a collective realization that medicine is one of the most important fields that let a country stand strong in the most unprecedented situations. Without a good medical and healthcare structure, the country’s people will have a lower standard of living, and thus will contribute lesser to the economy.
However, better healthcare services for a country is not something that comes out of the blue. It is something that begins at the grassroot level, i.e. in the education of our healthcare professionals.
The school of nursing at Sangam University is dedicated to providing the best of education to students pursuing their careers in the field of nursing and medicine. We are trying our best to train nurses, medical assistants, therapists, and dieticians by providing them with the best facilities and knowledge so that they can go on to help the citizens of our country.
Nevertheless, the most important factor that governs this field of education is the scope that it may have in the future. Before we dive into the future, let us first have a look at the history of this profession in our country.
History of Nursing
Nursing has been a key profession in this country from a rather early age. An era that gave the world Ayurveda, the history of medicine is a rich one in India. For centuries, the country relied on traditional Indian medicine to cure almost anything.
However, around the mid of the 19th century, under British rule, India saw the first wave of organization in the healthcare sector, thanks to the famous statistician and mother of modern nursing, Florence Nightingale. It was also due to this collective effort, that India also got its very first nursing school in 1861.
With time, the profession evolved and became a noble line of work with several big institutions opening across the country. Over the next century and a half, from the very first nursing school of the country, healthcare began to develop and reach some of the most difficult and remote locations in India, providing essential healthcare services wherever they were needed.
Yet, time and time again, the need for more nursing professionals has only increased. According to very recent reports, India has a shortage of close to 2.4 million nurses and nursing staff in the country.
During the COVID-19 outbreak, we truly were made to realize how difficult it is to take care of the health of an entire country struggling to not infect an almost fatal disease. In this time, it is our healthcare workers who are saving us from the worst of possibilities that can be approaching us in the future. Which brings us to the future of the Healthcare and Nursing Sector.
The Future of Nursing
The field of nursing is growing at a faster pace in the country than it had ever before. However, with this increase in capacity, the system also needs to focus on other important aspects, which include:
- Revised curriculum
- Attracting more youth
- Improving the overall quality of the sector
- Introducing more specialization in the field so they can keep learning
- Providing additional support to aspirants from economically weaker backgrounds.
As per a number of research studies, the industry is expected to grow bigger than ever before by the year 2022, outpacing countries like Japan and South Korea. To meet the challenging demand, a well-prepared workforce is required. This can be achieved if the challenges faced in availing quality education are removed, and the students are motivated.
We, at Sangam University, take the onus and provide the best, industry-ready curriculum that will not only help students live their dream but also contribute to fighting the pressing healthcare needs.
Students can join courses like diploma in health assistant at Sangam University. The course curriculum is one of the finest in Rajasthan and will open doors to numerous opportunities. Get in touch with our admissions officers today and reserve your seat to a brighter future.