Life As A First Year Student During COVID-19 : How To Prepare?

Life As A First Year Student During COVID-19 : How To Prepare?

With colleges around the world preparing for admissions and inviting a new batch of students to their campuses, this is certainly the most exciting time of the year. But with the COVID-19 crisis taking away the essence of the admissions process and college life experiences, there is a lot that the fresher students may be completely unaware of. There are a number of aspects that lead to the right beginning towards a career for a first-year student.


What are the right steps that a recent graduate should take to make sure that their college life starts off on the right foot? This blog is a guide for all first-year students who are about to begin their college journey in the midst of a global pandemic.

Preparing For Your First Year In College Post COVID-19 Lockdown

  • Safety Measures by College
    Among the first things that you will notice when you enter college are the extensive amounts of safety precautions that the college will be taking. Alongside this, there will be a number of measures that the management will take to ensure everyone’s safety. Make sure that you are following these rigorously in order to avoid spread of the virus.
  • Social Distancing
    Even though it is your first year in college and interactions with your batchmates is vital, social distancing will continue to be the norm for everyone. You will be required to maintain a proper distance from others to break the chain of the infection and stop it from affecting not just you, but others as well.
  • Responsibility
    Your responsibilities towards your college and community will be greater as you will need to be very vocal about everything. This includes reporting possible cases that you may have witnessed in the college or hostel as not doing so may pose a bigger danger to everyone. Also, if you have come in contact with someone infected, be responsible and isolate yourself to break the chain of infection.
  • Mental Health
    While physical health is important, your mental health is another crucial aspect of your college years. Starting college can be really challenging as things rapidly begin to change around you. Don’t let the anxiety or the fast pace of things get to you and make sure that you are pampering yourself when it comes to your mental health. Talk to the teachers if that becomes necessary, they are always there to guide you and get you the professional help if needed.

With college being one of the most important aspect of a person’s life, it is important that the essence of that life continues to be a part of every single day of every single student. As one of the top 10 universities in Rajasthan, Sangam University is making sure that the college is ready to provide students with everything they need to have a successful and memorable first year. Apply online for admissions to the premier institution today.