Education has not known any boundaries, with people all around the world travelling to other countries to gain knowledge relevant to the market and to gain the advantage of difference in demographics. India has been a hub for education for the rest of the world, a prowess that has only increased with globalisation.
As part of a growing India and as a well-reputed university, Sangam University has been a pioneer in providing quality education and international exposure to its students through a number of international collaborations. The latest development is this vision of making global exposure and knowledge available to students here in India, Sangam University has signed a Memorandum of University with the Blue Crest University College in Liberia. Here is a closer look at the meaning of this collaboration for both recognised and reputed universities.
The MoU Between Sangam University and Blue Crest University, Liberia
Established at the turn of the century, Blue Crest University College has been a leader of education, training, and research in the entirety of western Africa for the last 20 years. With market-relevant knowledge and exposure provided to the students, the Liberia faction of the university was established in the year 2013.

With professional degree courses offered in all these fields, the college also happens to be a hub of vocational studies, and thus, offers a wide variety of diploma and certificate courses, including Software Engineering, Networking & infrastructure, Graphic Designing, Web Development, business administration, and fashion design. With training over 100,000 students in the time of its existence, the Blue Crest University College, Liberia has become a popular prospective for applicants in the country.
And for the next 5 years, the university has entered into MoU with Sangam University, India. Known as one of the leading private universities in the country, Sangam University also happens to be a leader in the field of education in technology, management, and design. With the collaboration taking effect, both universities will be looking to widen their horizons through this MoU between them.
Benefits of the MoU
With a number of advantages coming through the MoU, the major benefit of this collaboration will be the growth of familiarity between the cultures. Exchange programs regularly held by the colleges will enable the transfer of knowledge, students, and faculties between them, while also paving the way for joint research and innovation.

With a strong belief in the importance of propagation of knowledge through sharing it, the universities will be putting a strong foot forward for bringing the two cultures together. As a leading institution and the top private university in Rajasthan , Sangam University is proud to add another feather in its cap by adding the name of Blue Crest University in its international collaborations. For more information on these collaborations, visit the partner section of our website or get in touch with one of our admissions officers today.