Important Tips To Help You Improve Your Memory For Exam Preparation

Important Tips To Help You Improve Your Memory For Exam Preparation

A constant part of our student lives was the examinations that checked our learning year after year. Studying through the year to gather information that will form the basis of your career up ahead in your future is the norm for all students. But one of the biggest fears that students have is that when they enter the exam hall, their mind will go blank or they’ll forget everything that they have studied. Having a rational fear of exams because of this feeling is okay. But what if you had tips to improve or sharpen your memory, so you can nip these fears in the bud?

As exams play a vital role in determining the future of the students, it is essential to timely recall the right information. Here are some scientifically proven tips to help boost your memory and remember everything for your examination.

Tricks to Improve Memory Power for Better Exam Preparation

  • Tip 1 – Write it Down
    When it comes to memorizing ample amounts of information at the same time, it is often best to jot down the important points. Studying the whole information and writing it down in your own words will help you remember it better and will definitely make recalling it easier. Make sure to write the information in the form of charts, table, diagrams, etc.
  • Tip 2 – Create Some Mnemonics
    The concept of creating mnemonics is way simpler than its confusing spelling. This memory-boosting technique involves translating complex information into an alternative form that is much easier to remember. For that, you have to take the first letters of the string of information that you find difficult and remember its short form. Doing so will definitely help you remember that information for long that too without putting more stress on your brain.
  • Tip 3 – Implement the Pomodoro Method
    As per research, when you continuously study something for long, your brain starts acting in a negative way. In such a situation, timely breaks are required to reactivate those brains cells. This is what the Pomodoro technique is all about. Take a 5-minute break after every 25 minutes of continuous study and 15-minutes break after 4 sessions of 25 minutes of studying. Doing so will keep your mind refreshed and help you study for long without feeling stressed and/or losing concentration.
  • Tip 4 – Build a Sketch
    Building a sketch in mind is one of the best ways to remember even the toughest information. So, whenever you study a topic, just think of its relevant ideas so that you can form a sketch in your mind and remember it for long. You can also form a story if possible as it makes a boring topic interesting to study.
  • Tip 5 – Revise What You’ve Studied
    Studying anything once is not enough for one to retain it in its memory for months. For that, you should revise the topic at least twice. Generally, students study a topic and switch to the next one and never revise it again. This is why they draw a blank at the time of giving an examination. But, this should be avoided, and instead, one should always revise before giving exams. It is an obvious fact that the more you revise, the longer that information will be retained in your memory. So always leave some time for revision to get a strong grip on your concepts.

Passing exams with flying colours and getting a degree requires you to memorize ample of information and concepts. As a result, you need to integrate these aforementioned tips into your schedule to make sure your brain is ready to rock in the exam. Sangam University, counted among the top universities in Rajasthan wishes you good luck for a brighter future. Just follow these tips and make your exam preparation count.