A student joins the college to begin his professional journey, works hard, and then leaves the college for a brighter future as a professional. This may seem like a story that belongs to most of the students out there, or maybe a dream that you wish to live. In reality, several factors guard the secret to having a great life while on campus. A good amount of dependency is on the kind and quality of the facilities that a college provides to its students. Some facilities can elevate the experience of studying for a student and the lack of which can profoundly impact their progress.
Here is a list of facilities that can enhance a student’s college life:

- Library: This one had to be first on the list. A library is a must for every college as it is a gateway to the land of infinite knowledge. And a well-decked library has no competition whatsoever. A quiet place to study with access to unlimited resources is a right of every student.
- Dedicated Labs: Any professional course is incomplete without access to practical experiments. Be it computer labs or information webinars, a specialized set of labs and lecture rooms are a must for any college, to ensure that there is an overall growth of everyone on the campus.
- Internet Connectivity: This is the digital age, and a massive chunk of information is now available on the internet. There are theories, videos, and results of researches that one can get access to while on the internet. A college must inculcate and promote this habit of surfing the net for research work. The more students read, the better their overall development would be. For this purpose, the college must provide Wi-Fi on the campus.
- Technical & Cultural Clubs: There is always a need for a competent student body in the college who can take initiatives of organizing various techno culture activities and create awareness and drives. A club like this organizes events, workshops, seminars, guest lectures, and much more. A college which supports such kinds of initiatives is fostering an over-all growth approach for its student.
- Entrepreneurship Development Center (E-Cell): A good college must equip the students with skills and knowledge and encourage them to participate in this age of innovation. They must sow the seeds of leadership and entrepreneurship in them. The E-cells are designed to impart useful tips and techniques to students for developing a successful business plan and help in incubating the idea for investment and nurturing. Today’s youth are tomorrow’s leaders! Students must be well prepared to lead the country towards success and innovation.
- Preparation Center for Competitive Examinations: Not all graduates pursue a job right after they get out of college. A number of them opt for higher studies and competitive exams. Keeping that fact in mind, a college must have a body in place that ensures these students have all the help they can get from the institution. Be it getting acess to resources to prepare or help from experienced professionals; a good college must always nurture their dreams.
- Mess and Cafeteria: Food is the fuel that our body needs to perform necessary functions. A good college mess must ensure that they provide wholesome food to their students. In fact, excellent cafeteria is also a good place for conversations and meetings amongst the students.
- Recreation Activities: Apart from studying and skill development, colleges can also spend some time in creating avenues for the recreation of the students. There is a lot that a student can learn from these recreational activities and take another step towards their overall development. These activities can include cultural events, discussions, seminars, sports, movies, etc.
Every college must provide their absolute best services to their students to make learning a fun, engaging, and wholesome process. Ranked amongst the top MBA colleges in Rajasthan, Sangam University feels proud to be able to provide our students with all these facilities, alongside many other unique features that foster growth and multi-faceted development in them.