Industries of Modern-Day are Incomplete without Mathematics Field: Here’s How

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“Neglect of mathematics works injury to all knowledge since he who is ignorant of it cannot know the other sciences or the things of the world.”

A popular saying by a renowned philosopher, scientist and scholar of the 13th century- Roger Bacon is valid even today and can be implied to the modern-day worldly arrangement of things. Mathematics as a subject is the science of measurement and magnitude. It helps in revealing the world around us.

Industries of Modern-Day are Incomplete without Mathematics Field

On a broader scale, mathematical science is a part of nearly all aspects of everyday life. The discipline has underpinned modern capabilities like numeric weather prediction, digital communication, medical imaging, etc. Without mathematics, we would not be able to understand how nature and the physical world operate. Besides, modern innovation and technology that we see around in different industries would not be possible without the beauty of numbers, figures and relations. For modern enterprises to flourish for long-term, the core, i.e., mathematics must flourish. Mathematical sciences work is becoming increasingly integral and essential in every industry.So, let’s have a look at how Mathematics is imbibed in every industry.

Science and Technology

The most affected field is undoubtedly science and technology. Mathematics is the fundamental pillar in the development of science and technology. Scientists like Galileo, Aristotle, Blaise Pascal, etc., could have never been able to devise the solutions and present the world with the most useful inventions of all time. The contribution of mathematics is unparalleled and cannot be substituted by anything else.

Finance Industry

Mathematics and the financial industry are also closely connected. In the industry where money must be carefully assessed, use of mathematical applications is a great attempt to resolving the problems. Mathematics reduces the complexity of the mutual interdependencies in economics, leading the way in controlling the specific systems.

Manufacturing and Service Industry

Manufacturing and service industries have changed drastically in modern times. The growth of office products, the growing complexity of databases, and the need for inexpensive computing has necessitated the development of sophisticated methods to meet new demands.Industrial mathematics is the enabling factor or has been successful in responding to the changing demands of the manufacturing and service industry.

Healthcare Sector

The healthcare sector is also not untouched by industrial mathematics. Mathematics plays an important role in the development of novel products and technologies, which are essential for our ageing societies. It helps in devising a way in which efficient products can be developed for the growing worldwide population with limited resources. Adding to it, the search for life-saving drugs, development of innovative equipment, etc., is fundamentally dependent on fundamental research, which is inextricably linked to mathematics.

The list is not exhaustive, and every industry you can think of is somewhere affected significantly by mathematics. The relationship between science, society and mathematics cannot be neglected. We can grow to levels that are unimaginable if we explore the utility of mathematics further. But the main challenge here is a good supply of individuals with mathematical skills.

Therefore, Sangam University takes the onus on itself and tries to contribute to supplying skilled industry graduates with new ideas and passions. Being one of the top 10 universities in Rajasthan, Sangam University believes that it is essential to offer programs that develop the mathematical skills along with the abilityto effectively use mathematical modeling and simulation for the development of India and the world.Enroll in the blooming courses like BCA, Engineering, etc., and get ready to join the forces of change in the world.